Lockdown is darkening but I feel like dancing.
I teach my hands cat-like reflexes, dancing.
Continue reading Zainab Ismail: Dancing with my Rubik’s Cube
Lu Oulton: 2020: The year my house turned into Neverland
As I write these lines we are entering our eighth month of quarantine in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There are four of us—my husband and me, our five-year-old Gael, and our one-year-old Vera. And it feels like we have been in lockdown forever.
Continue reading Lu Oulton: 2020: The year my house turned into Neverland →
Phoebe Whitlock: Dominos with Mum
I had never been much of a fan of board games. They seemed to go on for ages, and the injustice of failing to win or being cheated at the last minute was never worth the effort.
Continue reading Phoebe Whitlock: Dominos with Mum →
Gabrielle de la Puente: Mutazione
The garden died a few years ago with my granddad I think, and that makes sense to me. It was his space and workshop, somewhere he fixed bikes, watches, and painted everything he built the same shade of green.
Continue reading Gabrielle de la Puente: Mutazione →